Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Simplicity of the Gospel: Confess, Believe, Saved

“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9 (ESV) 

This short verse shows, just how simple the gospel really is. That salvation is as simple as confessing sin, and believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord. This verse so eloquently identifies that Jesus Christ IS Lord and that God raised Him from the dead, and that, in its simplicity, is one of the most beautiful things we will ever read in scripture.

I think, as Christians, its very easy for us to become numb to some of the things we have grown up hearing in Sunday school, like this verse. Sure, we know that this is all we must do to be saved, but do we really believe it?

God sent His Son; that Son, Jesus lived and died a perfect life; and three days later, rose from the dead pronouncing victory over sin and death, and reconnecting the intimacy that man at one point had with God, but had disconnected due to sin. That is the gospel.

We as Christians should never grow numb to something as beautiful and awesome as that! Jesus died, but He lives! He really lives! Now, the question is asked to us… do we want to live?


  1. Love to have you as a follower.
    This world needs more "restorers"

  2. There comes a point in the life of the child of God when it is asked; what do I pray for (about)?
    One has said, "Pray to grace."
