Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Judgement, Holiness, and Election

This is my reaction paper to a verse I had to memorize for school.

“Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.” -Revelation 20:11 (ESV)

This verse is referring to Judgment Day. The day that the souls of all men will brought before the throne of a Holy God, and will be accounted for every sin they have ever committed. God will be seated on a great white throne, because He is the Ancient of Days. His throne is white because He is pure and His throne signifies His purity. He is doing away with the old heaven and the old earth to make way for the new heaven and the new earth that He will establish later and rule over for all of eternity.

This verse shows the awesome majesty, Holiness, and authority of God Almighty, and displays His sovereignty over all things. He is seated on a throne and things are trying to flee from Him because of His sheer majestic Holiness, yet they are unable. My God is an awesome God, and while many will dread Judgment Day (as they should), I am looking forward to Christ’s return and God’s Holy Judgment, because I have been bought by the blood of Christ my Redeemer, so I will no longer be turned away from God and have His wrath poured on me, rather I will be welcomed by God with open arms, and that changes everything.

I am no longer condemned by this great Judge on a white throne, because before the foundation of the world, my God made a covenant among Himself, to adopt me in His family, and to go and die for me, so that my sins might be atoned for and I might have eternal life. None of this is based on my merit or good works, rather it is a complete act of grace and love by God. What an amazing gift of grace that is. When I stop and think about all that the God of the Universe has done for me, a wretched sinner, I can’t help but to smile. To know that God has chosen me out of love, and one day I will go home to be with Him for all of eternity, is truly a peace that surpasses all understanding. For me, to live is Christ, but to die is gain.

While I may look forward to the day God calls me home to spend eternity with Him, I will live to spread the Word of God and to tell people of this day that is coming, and its coming quite fast, so I will not take one day for granted.

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